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Every online business wants prospects to visit their website, learn their behavior, and take certain actions. Funnel analysis is an analytical method that displays meaningful data regarding the visitors’ behavior. It defines the different stages that a visitor goes through before they make a decision.
The process is known as funnel analysis because the analysis comes in the form of graphical representation. The top-down approach is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, which resembles a funnel structure. The funnel comprises of multiple stages or steps that show the drop-offs and conversions at every step.
We, the certified experts at Skyram Technologies, dissect every stage of the funnel and analyse the motivations that drive customers from one stage to another. We are here to help you in creating the right strategies to influence the outcomes at every step.
The funnel analysis primarily works in four stages. The first stage is to grab attention. It starts by drawing as much attention and as many prospects as possible. Once they are aware of your existence, it is time to hold the attention and create desire. This is the second stage where the attention is nurtured and you start comparing the offerings with other available market alternatives. The third stage is building confidence and push decisions. In this stage, a prospect decides whether he/she is going to convert into a customer or not. Showcase the credibility of your brand and make them see the value of your products. The final stage is securing the desired action. Once the prospect has the intention, they perform the required action. The total number of conversions represents the final step of the funnel.
Funnel analysis remains a key component of all marketing and sales activities. It offers a clearer sense of where the website visitors are dropping off and helps in unearthing new opportunities for growth. With funnel analysis, a business identifies the critical moments in user experience that are making them drop-off from the funnel.
It can pinpoint multiple instances of content on a website that drives maximum conversions. It identifies different traffic-generating channels and devises strategies for bringing new active visitors to present on the website.
Funnel analysis helps in converting website visitors into paying customers by garnering relevant exposure in the right content. It offers better visibility into what works and what needs to be tweaked or customized.
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