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Robotics & Automation In Modern Healthcare

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The idea of Robotics & Automation in Healthcare has been around for quite some time now.

Our lifestyle is rapidly changing. As a result, the need for medical units is also rapidly increasing. Most of the times the doctors are overworked or hospitals are understaffed.

According to a report published by the United States Census Bureau in 2016, a new demographic trend has emerged. By 2020, people over the age of 65 will outnumber children under 5. 

Robotics can benefit healthcare a lot.  The healthcare industry must find the resources to adapt to this new demographic trend.

What is Robotics & Automation in Healthcare?

There is a misconception in the market that robotics is going to replace medical staff.

However, most experts on AI believe that robotics will increase the efficiency of the medical staff & not replace them.

 Robots in medicine help by relieving medical personnel from routine tasks that take their time away from more pressing responsibilities and by making medical procedures safer and less costly for patients.

There are robots now, working in the medical industry who monitors patient’s vital statistics, alert nurses when there is a need for human presence in the situation, for instance.

There are robots who assist nurses with providing supplies, assisting doctors in surgery & what not!

What are the ways automation & robotics are helping in the healthcare sector?

Look, the major goal of any automation in any industry for that matter is to make the job less stressful & amplify productivity.

Improving the accuracy

Robots don’t need sleep. So, they are not sleep-deprived, so there is far less chance of having a slip of attention.

Known as “Waldo surgeons”, these can bridge the gap between humans and machines and perform tasks with excellent precision, increased strength and no tremors of the knife. 

There are micro-robots, who can deploy drugs precisely & even perform micro-surgeries like unclogging blood vessels!

Supporting mental health & daily tasks

AI can literally help a lot for mental health care. There are service robots that can support lonely people. There are companion & conversational robots that help people to stay positive, remind them to take their medicine and perform simple routine check-ups like temperature, blood pressure, and sugar levels.

We have a whole blog on how technology & AI is helping mental health, you can definitely check that out at the end of the blog!

Moreover, if back-office, routine tasks are passed on to software robots, this would, in other words, allow doctors to use their human skills in order to better address their patients’ needs instead of filling in consistently names, dates, and addresses. 

Precise diagnosis

One of the major benefits of AI in the health sector is the ability of AI to detect patterns that will easily describe a condition by studying data records.

The machine can scan thousands of cases and look for correlations between hundreds of variables, some of which are not even listed in current medical works.

An endoscopic system in Japan can detect colon cancer & in 86% accurate!

In addition, the IBM Watson has already hit the 99% mark in cancer diagnosis.

Remote Treatment

The U.S. Department of Defense, funded research at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh to create an autonomous robotic trauma care system for treating soldiers injured in remote locations.

Could you imagine this 10 years back?

In the early days, it was impossible to offer the necessary treatment to the soldiers on the battlefields. Now, it is possible for robots to treat soldiers or even patients in rural or remote areas.

Another, type of remote healthcare robot is a simple bot-pill that performs an endoscopy in a much more comfortable way. It is a “magic pill” that travels throughout your intestine & you can eliminate them naturally as well.

Auxiliary Robots

There is much work in a hospital, that nurses & hospital personnel can benefit from the help of robots. The Moxi robot by Diligent Robotics takes care of restocking, bringing items and cleaning so that nurses can spend more time with patients. Also, they offer a human touch while leaving the grinding to the machine.

Billing & Claims

A recent HIMSS Analytics survey found that 31% of healthcare providers still use a manual process to manage claim denials.

Although there is a technology with some codified billing systems, it is still majorly done by humans. This may often result in human errors.

Automation helps reduce human error and ensures that each claim includes the information it needs to move forward, helping providers get paid in a timely manner. 

What are some of the top Robotics Automation Startups in Healthcare?


Managing insurance claims are usually filled with errors and can quickly become time-consuming.

EnterBridge, a company from the USA focuses on achieving optimal automation levels for filling insurance data, automating and speeding up enrolment and processing claims, thereby optimizing time spent by payers and providers. 


This RAS by a British start-up is used in hospital management to optimize administrative processes, revenue cycle management, time for transportation of blood or organs, disinfecting areas for patients, synchronizing schedules for surgeries and other medical procedures.


This RAS is specialized in optimal care delivery including, s analyzing medical records, extracting data in using keywords, detecting structured and unstructured data and comparing them with historical health records. 

Computing System Innovation

Again an American startup company used for medical data structuring.

This uses an automated classification system for organizing registration data and maintain patient records. It is equipped with a simple point-and-click system for finding clinical or healthcare data that helps professionals to make an informative decision.

Moving forward it is estimated that automated systems will have a mainstream effect on the best digital marketing agency for healthcare industry.

Nowadays, most of the experts are focusing on building more humanized robots with a technology called humanoid for personal care, socialization and for training. The industry is growing wide & far.

Are you thinking of building automation software for your industry? Contact us at Skyram Technologies. Our experts will build the most updated software suited for your industry requirements. Connect with us here!

Also, for our blogs on robotics & automation, read here!